What's up, I'm Aubrey. This project is part of how I share my passion and admiration for fungi.
Since 2020, I write a newsletter every Monday with a profile and photos of a different mushroom I find (typically from the past week). This project started when I was a gardener in Manhattan's Central Park and the first emails were sent just to coworkers. Since leaving the park, the community has blossomed into hundreds of interested mycophiles from all over the globe.​
Note: I moved my weekly email to Substack in 2023 to encompass the expanding subscriber base, but all pre-Substack posts can be found in the archive here.
I'm actively expanding the scope of this project. Some weeks we meet for mushroom walks, some weeks I recap mushroom conferences and festivals I attend, and going forward I want to delve into other forms of media to help promote fungal education.
This whole project has been spurred by my deep appreciation and curiosity of the natural world. I hope that through education and awareness we as a society can begin to reconnect with nature.​​