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These are all Mushroom Monday newsletters archived for reference from its inception in 2020. Sign up for current MMs on Substack.

Dec 27, 2021
Small Staghorn/Club-like Tuning Fork - Calocera cornea
Good evening, friends, This week's mushroom is Calocera cornea, commonly known as the small staghorn or club-like tuning fork. Diligent...

Dec 20, 2021
Bleeding Fairy Helmet - Mycena haematopus
Good evening, friends, This week's mushroom is Mycena haematopus, commonly known as the bleeding fairy helmet - perhaps our best common...

Dec 13, 2021
Hare's Foot Inkcap - Coprinopsis lagopus
Good evening, friends, This week's mushroom is Coprinopsis lagopus, commonly known as the hare's foot inkcap. This mushroom was found on...

Dec 6, 2021
Brick Caps/Brick Tops - Hypholoma lateritium
Good evening, friends, This week's mushroom is Hypholoma lateritium, commonly known as brick caps or brick tops. This mushroom was found...

Nov 29, 2021
Mock Oyster/Stinking Orange Oyster - Phyllotopsis nidulans
Good afternoon, friends, This week's mushroom is Phyllotopsis nidulans, commonly known as the mock oyster or the stinking orange oyster....

Nov 22, 2021
Northern Tooth - Climacodon septentrionalis
Good afternoon, friends, This week's mushroom is Climacodon septentrionalis, commonly known as northern tooth. With Thanksgiving on...

Nov 15, 2021
Marshmallow Polypore - Irpiciporus pachyodon
Good afternoon, friends, This week's mushroom is Irpiciporus pachyodon, previously known as spongipellis pachyodon, and commonly known as...

Nov 8, 2021
Lion's Mane - Hericium erinaceus
Good afternoon, friends, This week's mushroom is a goodie; Hericium erinaceus, commonly known as lion's mane. My friend/roommate/coworker...

Oct 31, 2021
Smoky Polypore - Bjerkandera adusta
Good evening, friends, I hope everyone had a pleasant halloween - I was a scarecrow. This week's mushroom is Bjerkandera adusta, commonly...

Oct 24, 2021
Chip Cherries/Redlead Roundhead - Leratiomyces ceres
Good evening, friends, This week's mushroom is Leratiomyces ceres, commonly known as chip cherries or redlead roundhead in Europe. When I...

Oct 17, 2021
Elegant Stinkhorn/Devil's Dipstick - Mutinus elegans
Good evening, friends, I just wrapped up a moving and powerful weekend helping out at a Friends of Fungi retreat in Phoenicia, NY with...

Oct 10, 2021
Blushing Rosette - Abortiporus biennis
Good afternoon, friends, Happy Indigenous Peoples' Day and Columbus Day Observed (per my Audubon bird calendar Traditional Columbus Day...

Oct 3, 2021
Hen of the Woods - Grifola frondosa
Good evening, friends, This week's mushroom is Grifola frondosa, commonly known as hen of the woods. A fitting follow-up to last week's...

Sep 26, 2021
Chicken of the Woods - Laetiporus sulphureous
Good evening, friends, Today's mushroom is Laetiporus sulphureous, commonly known as chicken of the woods. Astute readers of Mushroom...

Sep 19, 2021
Birch Polypore - Fomitopsis betulina
Good evening friends, This week's mushroom is Fomitopsis betulina, formerly known as Piptoporous betulinus and commonly known as the...

Sep 12, 2021
Blushing Amanita - Amanita amerirubescens
Good evening friends, I've spent a portion of today traveling back from a lovely family wedding but now I'm excited to sit down together...

Sep 5, 2021
Berkeley's Polypore - Bondarzewia berkeleyi
Good afternoon friends and happy Labor Day. I hope you're keeping the labor to a minimum and the relaxation to a maximum. This week's...

Aug 29, 2021
Fan-shaped Jelly Fungus - Dacryopinax spathularia
Good afternoon friends, This week's mushroom is Dacryopinax spathularia, commonly known as the fan-shaped jelly fungus. This mushroom was...

Aug 22, 2021
Green-spored Parasol/"Vomiter" -Chlorophyllum molybdites
Good afternoon friends, I've wrapped up my mushroom pilgrimage and am back in NYC. This week's mushroom is Chlorophyllum molybdites,...

Aug 15, 2021
Golden Oyster Mushroom - Pleurotus citrinopileatus
Good morning friends, Mushroom Monday has gone mobile. I’m sitting at a cafe in Denver after wrapping up a weekend at the North American...
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