Purple-edged Lute - Callistosporium purpureomarginatum
These are all Mushroom Monday newsletters archived for reference from its inception in 2020. To sign up for current MMs, head over to the Newsletter tab.
Parasitic Bolete - Psuedoboletus parasiticus
Emerald Elfcups - Chlorociboria spp.
Mycofest 2023
Mustard Yellow Polypore - Fuscoporia gilva
Hygrophorus Milk Cap - Lactifluus hygrophoroides
Old Man of the Woods - Strobilomyces
Peanut Butter Cup - Galiella rufa
Hemlock Varnish Shelf - Ganoderma tsugae
Serviceberry rust - Gymnosporangium spp.
Stinky Squid - Pseudocolus fusiformis
Bushy Beard Lichen - Usnea strigosa
Mountain Laurel Leaf Spot - Mycosphaerella colorata
Swamp Beacon - Mitrula elegans (?)
Eyelash cups - Scutellinia scutellata
Deer Vomit - Fusicolla merismoides
Shiitake - Lentinula edodes
Common Brown Cup - Phylloscypha phyllogena
Crowded Parchment - Stereum complicatum
Morel - Morchella diminutiva